
在野外的日子就是  超級早起  

在你感受到一絲光線時  就是該起床拍攝日出了  

順便煮上一壺咖啡  慢慢的收拾  準備再次出發  

因為你會知道如果晚起的話  氣溫會上升的飛快  在帳篷裡就像在烤箱裡一樣  再加上打包種種勞力的工作時  真的會有快要中暑的感覺  等要出發時就已經全身濕透了

所以  還是乖乖起床吧  哈哈

在微風中  我們啟程  很幸運的昨晚沒有雨  看著烏雲環境四周  但總是環繞著  沒有直擊我們  讓最後一段的 Calvert Road 走得更加順利

一早  雖然喝了咖啡  但仍在慢慢甦醒中  一個不注意  牛兒又衝了出來  跟昨天下午一模一樣  居又閃了一下  這一次是差點被攔腰撞上

不知怎麼的  牛兒就停住了  再次錯過我們  感謝上帝  真的有保守我們  又是一個不知從哪裡冒出來的瞬間  經過這麼一下  精神倒是全來了 

最後這段路非常蜿蜒又上上下下的  昨天提到因為與許多河流交錯重疊  所以仍然有許多小河需要跨越  路上也有不少積水 非常泥濘

其中有一小段路有非常多的蜥蜴  在路上東竄西竄的  動態感十足啊

很幸運地我們順利通過了 Calvert Road 接回 Savannah Way 繼續往 Burketown 前進

沒過多久就到了 北領地與昆士蘭的交界囉  NT/QLD border


過了這條線  後面是北領地 - 紅土路  前面則是昆士蘭 - 馬路 哈哈哈


As you can see the gravel road behind us is NT, and the sealed road in front of us is QLD. lol

Both were covered by poo of cattle though. 

終於在荒郊野外中  遇到了第一個 Roadhouse - Hell's Gate

期待著應該在這手機可以收到訊號吧  結果… 門兒都沒有 哈哈哈

不過正值午餐時段  我們就坐下點了個漢堡  自家製作的漢堡肉  出乎意外的好吃呢!!

也讓 Tank 放放風  在這個四處環繞著牛兒們的地方  他非常盡責的盯著他們  不時還吠幾聲  警示他們不要靠太近  殊不知牛兒們根本毫不在意呀

poor Tank. 哈哈哈  稍作休息後 繼續前進

坐在店裡當然也要資訊交流一下囉  店家聽到我們是從 Calvert Road 來的 表示非常非常驚訝

說自從雨季以來 (去年9月)  我們是他們第一組遇見從那條路過來的人 當地沒有任何人知道目前那條路的狀況

哇~~ 突然覺得非常榮幸可以跟他們分享我們走過的路 哈哈

 這樣你知道  我們的選擇有多冒險了吧   


Homemade hamburger 剖片圖 


離 Hell's Gate 不遠有一群特別的石陣在右手邊  我們就停了一下 拍拍照


在不遠的billabong  我們又看到了 Jabiru (or Black-necked stork) 以及小魚兒們奮力跳躍想要力爭上游  攝影師這時候當然要停下來拍照囉

數度停留後  在路上我們又看到野生的 Emu 們 早些時候在快過州交界時  我們又看到山豬  在河邊樹下納涼  哈哈哈

今天真的滿幸運的  很多動物們都跑出來跟我們見面  袋鼠就不用說了  每天  見到不想再見  

猶豫著要不要往北繞到 Burketown 去看看  還是直接往南前進  但想想都大老遠來了  好像也沒有不去的道理

就決定今晚到 Burketown 鎮上的 caravan park 露營地 歇息吧

可以順便洗個澡、洗個衣服、徹底清潔一下碗盤  享受一下有設施的生活  呵呵

Tonight's home - the only one caravan park in Burketown

小鎮比我們想像的還要迷你  街道呈棋盤式的  非常正方規矩

搭好了帳篷  突然風起雲湧  心想  這次的暴風雨總該打到我們了吧

果不其然  下了一場傾盆大雨  涼快了一下  在這靠近海邊的小鎮  應該是習以為常的午後雷陣雨吧

可惜的是  在這個營地裡  樹叢遮蔽了西邊  只能從縫隙中一窺夕陽的美

至於拍照  就算了吧  哈哈


培根  是一個非常重要東西  當你出門露營去  早餐可以 做培根蛋土司

中餐可以做培根生菜卷  晚餐要加個培根煮拉麵  或者加入各式料理都非常合適

但   咱們的大廚  居然忘記買 "培 根" !!  一路上都在懊悔  看到山豬時  我們還在想  那是奔跑的培根  哈哈哈

為了培根  我們還問了沿路的 roadhouse  結果被恥笑 

所以來到小鎮  當然不能錯過可以買培根的機會啦

就在我去廚房洗碗盤時  大叔就跟左邊的、右邊的、面對的人聊天打屁


Unbelievable!!! 我真是難以置信  就這樣  省去了去超市的路  價格還打了折  我真是服了他了

歡迎來到澳洲人的公平交易市場  啊哈哈哈


附上青蛙王子照  從今晚開始  他們幾乎是每晚固定的訪客 可愛~

 關於 Caravan park 露營地 - 基本上如果可以 我們會傾向免費的營地 free camping  想當然就是沒有那些廚房啊、廁所浴室、洗衣間啊等等,所以當我們費錢住露營地時就是想要使用他們提供的設施洗個澡、洗衣服,又或者有游泳池可以涼快一下。 但缺點就是會有鄰居,沒辦法大聲放音樂、或者會聽到別人的電視聲、空間擁擠,就是少了那麼一些自然的時空,感覺錯過了什麼。不過,為了安全起見,如果靠近城鎮的話,會建議住在付費的露營地,好過在城鎮周圍的免費營地。為什麼這麼說呢? 很快就會證明給你們看…




I love camping. 

As I always sleep well out there, even better than at home sometimes.

You can smell flowers, grass, dirt,  feel the breeze, and listen to the symphonies performed by all the creatures around you.

Sense surrounding changed  by your skin, and every senses in you are awokend.

That's nature. No air-con, no fan, all good!!

I think that's something in my blood as a part of mountain people who call motherland home.

Enjoy the sunrise, sunset, milky way and stars every day and night.

Even the storm coming, I enjoy the lightning and the water pouring.

Go to bed early and get up early. Sounds like an old old lady, I know. lol

Just simple but not boring life, trust me!


Another reason we alway get up early is we don't wanna be heated up in the tent like in a sauna after sun coming up.

We got up by the first ray shining in the tent which was still cool outside.

Means we have enough time to pack up slowly, enjoy a cuppa coffee, and take our time in the morning.

Lucky us. There was no rain last night.

We was worried about too much water on the last section of the road as it is overlapped with few river branches.

The road was with countless puddles and getting more narrow and winding.

We saw many lizards on the road today, BTW.

Eventually, we passed Calvert Road safely, and got back to Savannah Way which connects Borrolola to Burketown.

We were toward to Burketown, and going to passing the NT / QLD border today.

Before long, we were at the border where NT is behind us and QLD is in front of us.

And before we arrived the border we saw a wild pig sitting close to a river bank. 

I was so excited as it was my first time to see a "wild" pig, usually just saw the mess they made. haha

The landscape changed, the speed limit changed, the weather changed (seemed more humid), and the only thing didn't change is the cow poo still covered the road.

No matter it is dirt road or sealed road. lol

On the map, we could see there is a roadhouse just after the border.

We decide to stop there to have a lunch break and see if we could get reception there.

Here we were - Hell's Gate Roadhouse

No reception at all. hahaha

But their homemade burger was wonderful.

If you are here, just have a go! It won't disappoint you.

They reckoned we were the first vehicles came from Calvert Road since last wet season.

We were so pleasure we could make it and share some road condition with them. 

Of course they told us some info from here to Burketown as well.

Looked like there were some vehicles got bogged and needed rescue in the passed few days.

We had to be careful when we continued our journey.

Let Mr. Tank off car to stretch and get some fresh air.

He was worried about cattle around and barked to warn them not to be too close. lol

Seemed they didn't mind him at all. They just kept eating grass and doing what they were doing.

Poor fella.

Passed the Hell's Gate, you will see differnet rocky landscape on your right hand side.

If time allows, you can stop there to take some photos or walk in as we did

Or you can stop further at the billabong where we saw Jabiru and fish tried to jump from one side of the bridge to the other side.

Just watch out the crocs. We didn't see any, but we believe there are some there.

We were thinking if we wanna check out Burketown or just turn off at the fork and toward to south.

As we couldn't find a reason not to go there, we decided to stay in the only caravan park in the town.

Why not? We have been a long way to here, right?

 On the way to Burketown, we saw emus crossing road.

What a beautiful creature!!

Next time I wanna see camels crossing road. haha 

Should be our next trip to WA, I wish. 

Arrived Burketown which is smaller than we thought, and the caravan park is on sell.

Just in case you are interested in this business.


We like free camping, only if we are far away from town.

Safety consideration.

Otherwise, we will stay in a caravan park to use their facilities like bath room, kitchen, washing room, and pool if they have one.

Anyway, we arrived there, set up the tent and waited for the storm coming as we could see the wind rising and clouds scudding.

No accident, it came down.

We had a blessing afternoon thundershower!!

In the end of the day, let me tell you a story about bacon.

I'm sure you know how important bacon is when you go camping.

It could be egg and bacon toastie in brekkie, could be bacon and veggie wrap in lunch, or could be bacon ramen or lamb chops wrapped by bacon in dinner.

Anyway, it could be everywhere whenever you cook.

The point is how could our chef forgot to buy bacon!!!

Unbelievable, right?

Well, it doesn't bother me. The one it did bother is our chef. haha

We had checked all the roadhouse we passed and people even teased us.

And, remember we saw a wild pig earier? 

The running bacon was teasing us, too. lol

So, bacon became one of our reason to come into town. Ridiculous?! I know.

Then another unbelievable thing happened.

When I went to do washing up, Scott was chaating with our neighbours and got a package of bacon from them.

$3.11 bacon, he bought it with $3.00, without walking into a market and even having discount.

How could it work that way?

He was so proud of it though. hehe

Maybe we don't go to supermarket anymore, just buy things from other campers and it might be cheaper, too.

What do you think? lol

Welcome to Australian fair trading market!!


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