
Ubirr 是 Kakadu 國家公園裡最知名的日落景點


Ubirr is the most popular place for sunset watching in Kakadu National Park.

You also can find many post cards of sunset in Ubirr.

2 年來 自己也去了不下 20 次了吧!!

我們都稱 Ubirr 是我們的後花園

雖然開車也要 30-50 分鐘的距離

隨著天氣的變化  乾、濕季  雲量的多寡  都會影響日落的呈現

這也是為什麼我們可以持續去這麼多次  也不膩  呵呵

For us, we always say Ubirr is our back yard. lol

About 30 min to 1 hr drive though.

As the weather changes, the views change too.

Never be the same as another day, no matter in dry/wet season. 

Probably, that's why we keep going there and haven't been sick of it yet. haha

自從 1 月還是雨季的時候  去了一次

之後雨就開始下的很猛烈  Magela River 開始漲得老高

高到淹過 2 公尺的指標  過不了河  我們只好在河邊釣魚  嘻嘻

一直到 5 月 終於雨量漸緩  河水隨之也下降到大約0.3公尺  雖然不到全乾的地步  但四輪傳動的車是可以輕易通過的

乾季來臨  Ubirr 也正式開放啦

Last time we've been there was in Jan.

After then, the rain had poured down a lot and Megela River was higher than 2 meters.

We couldn't cross the river, but could fish there though. lol

Until now, it is getting dryer and the river level comes down to 0.3 meter.

Still some water on the road, but it was good enough for the 4wd vehicles to cross.

That means dry season is coming, and Ubirr is opened again in May. 

開放的第二天  我們就興高采烈的去走青唷唷唷唷

或許還沒有太多人知道已經開放  以往滿到爆炸的停車場  包括我們  只停了兩輛車

幸運的我們  得以同時享受美景和靜謐

隔了兩週  不同人馬又去了 Ubirr 看日落

全然不同風景  人潮也瞬間增加不少

幸運的是  濕地的水還沒全退 景色依舊美麗  令人屏息

囉唆太多  還是看照片吧  

We didn't wait for long.

Went there with friends just the day after it re-opened.

Not many people had come this way yet, only 2 cars including ours in the car park.

Lucky us!! Could enjoy the serenity and the beautiful sunset at the same time.

After 2 week-ish, went there with Scott again.

The water was still on the flood plain. Very impressive sunset again.

However, there were more people there this time.

The car park was almost full. lol




我們爬到了頂端  俯看四周的景色

因為公園內已經開始施行  乾季的例行森林火  所以天空霧濛濛的 淡淡的灰  再加上雲也不少

沒有多少日落可以看  但仍然很美

The first go, we climbed to the top.

However, the routine bush fire bunning in the dry season has started.

The sky just grey and very smoky. Couldn't see much, but it was still unique. :)



兩週後  天空非常賞臉  遠處的濕地也還浸在水裡  第一名日落景點當然是不會讓你失望的啦!!

最後一張照片中的岩石 被稱為 青蛙  當然是因為長得像是青蛙囉  你覺得呢?

Ps. 有空再來補上 1 月來 Ubirr 的美景  請期待囉

The second go, was more people than last time, but the sky was very clear and not cloudy neither.

Very classic sunset in Ubirr with the water sitting on the flood plain.

Aamaing great!!

BTW, do you notice the last photo? 

What kind of animal do you think the rock is?

Answer: Frog!!  haha

It's so cute, isn't it?

Ps. "Ubirr in Jan" is coming soon... hehe


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