


有個叉路是可以通往 Red Lily Billabong

說了好久  有空要去看看

終於 逮到機會 今天下午 倆人都沒事

說走就走吧!!! 嘿嘿

Never check the map of Kakadu National Park.

Even I have lived here for 2 years. lol

Accidently glanced a fork on the way to Darwin which leads to Red Lily Billabong.

When we drive pass, we always say we will go the have a look one day.

And today is the day, we both have nothing to do this afternoon.

Why not just going there?

Let's go and have some fun!!


最近呢  我都在練開手排車  而且是 4x4 大台的那種

每次下車  旁人都不可置信的看著我

就是那種  這小女孩開的車也太大了吧!!

總之  今天大叔就盯著我要開車去探險 



I have been practing 4x4 manual car recently.

Every time when i'm out of the car, everyone see me like they can't believe how small I am and how big the car is. lol

Pretty funny, but I'm kind of getting used to it.

There is no exception today, I have to drive the car and start the advanture.

But, I give up when the dirt road starts. lol

Leave it to Scott. haha



真的要提醒大家  這條路非常抖

路況並沒有很好  我們甚至得降低胎壓才不至於抖得那麼厲害



I'm glad I gave up early though.

The road was so rough that we had to reduce the tire pressure to go through it.

However it's totally worthy. 

You will know when you see the photos. hehe



 Red Lily Billabong. 


Bucket Billabong - seems a good place for fishing.


Alligator Billabong where we spotted a big croc. Be Crocwise !!


 Some beautiful leaves just under my feet.

其實在這個地方有三個湖 都非常美


只是大家請小心  湖裡都是有鱷魚的

所以不要跳進湖裡游泳  或太靠近湖邊

亦或你是永遠留在北領地  我也是不反對啦!!

在這個地區也有非常多的袋鼠  以及  水牛

而且沒有太多人  很安靜愜意



在靠近 Alligator Billabong 的地方  有一條河  跨過河

沿著路  就可以接到 Old Jim Jim Road 了唷

As you can see there are few billabong around this area.

Also there are camp sites around all of the billabong.

Just be crocwise. Don't be too close to the water.

Unless you wanna stay in NT for the rest of your life.

There are many animal around the billabong too.

Very quiet and beautiful.

Will be a nice spot to camp definately.

Oh, nearly forgot. This is not a one way in and one way out spot.

You can also come in from Old Jim Jim Rd.

Offer you another option.


滿喜歡這種暖暖的天氣  坐在車裡晃啊晃

看看美麗的景點  享受和袋鼠馳騁的快感

悠閒的午後  就這樣畫上美麗的句點  好樂活

We enjoy this warm weather and driving around to check some very nice spot and the wildlife.

That was a perfect afternoon.

Just relax and embraced by the nature. 


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