
怎麼會錯過了 Gunlom 二年  我也不知道

How could I have missed Gunlom for 2 yrs.

The first year, I thought it was closed, but apparently it wasn't.

The second year, we were so busy to travel out of Kakadu that we ran out of the time to explore this beautiful place.

今年  終於完成了這項任務  哈哈

Anyway, this year, surprisely it is opened early.

Heard they upgraded the road, and they had a presentation there linked to the food festival earlier. 

Lucky us,  we finally arranged a time to go there in this time of year.

It's a perfect timing. Not too many people yet, but dry and nice cool.


聽說做了道路修繕  再配合早一些國家公園內一系列的活動

就搭了順風車  一起開放囉

我們也搶在開放的一週內  就找到空檔去走走看看  幸運啊!!

Gunlom 可以算是卡卡度國家公園的第一名景點吧



It's not difficult to know why people think this is the number one place in Kakadu.

As it's not hard to get to there. Just 200 meter from parking lot, you can access Gunlom Plunge Pool and it's a very easy walk too.

  Gunlom plunge pool


非常容易到達  離停車場大約 200 公尺 又是平坦好走的路


The plunge pool is just like a beach and very spacious.

BTW, we saw a freshie swimming at the corner. 

Don't tell anyone, as we don't wanna scare people.

In fact, it's pretty safe to swim with them?!

They are not as aggressive as saltie and they eat fishes.

Also, don't like to be too close to people.

See how happy I was in the water, then you can tell what I said above is true. hehe

地方也滿大  可以容納不少人

偷偷告訴你一個祕密  我們看到淡水鱷魚在角落游泳唷

不要告訴別人  會把遊客嚇跑的  但其實淡水鱷魚是不會攻擊人的  很安全  看我笑那麼開心泡在水裡就知首了


The other one is Gunlom Infinity pool which is the most popular one on the social media like Instagram, Facebook, even magazine.

It's on the top of the waterfalls about 500 meter to climb from the buttom.

Not as easy as the other walk track, but luckily it's not too high. 

However, when you see the views from the top, you will know why it's worth.

另一個則是要稍微攀爬一下 大約 500 公尺左右  就可以抵達我後方的瀑布頂端啦

Gunlom infinity pool.

都不算太難的步道  風景又超美  難怪大受歡迎啦




順著瀑布上流還有許多連綿不斷的游泳池 一個接著一個

Along the upstream, you can find swimming pools one after another.






聽說不會游泳  帶著"麵條"也行 哈哈哈哈

Finally, brought the noodle with me. lol



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