

是一個過程 不只雙腳走在未知的道路上  心也走向未知的方向

在路上 認識不同的旅人 分享彼此的故事

也認識自己 學習"忘記"  忘卻早該拋下的枝微末節  記起最單純起初的自己

世界很大 心很寬

之所以迷人 之所以上癮  之所以美麗

只因為 純粹


Travelling is...

to hit the unknown not only under your feet but also in your heart

to share and create our stories with people worldwide

to learn what and how to "forget and remember" again and again

Forget what has bothered you for a long time but it's actually not important anymore 

Remember what my original intention and the real me are.

The nature is so great that makes you be a better person.

Being kind, being honest, and being enthusiastic.

To love this world and you will receive so much love even more than you can imagine.


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