

今早還是繼續打包   哈哈哈  

其實並沒有那麼難以整理  而且幾週前原本打算和朋友去露營  但由於氣侯始終太潮濕  最後是在朋友家住了兩晚  (這是另一個故事)

總之就是我們想要慢慢來 just take time.

還吃了個早午餐才出門…  儲備體力嘛~ 

今天目標就是出家門 (國家公園)  經過 Katherine 採買食材  繼續往南抵達

Tonight's home - WW2 hospital NO.45 Campsite 

聽起來沒有那麼興奮  我知道  C'est la vie.

先來說個前提  我們住在 Jabiru, Kakadu 國家公園裡  要出門呢 大概有2個選擇

1. 往西 253 km 到達爾文 出了國家公園大門後 會經到一條 Scott creek

2. 往南 303 km 到凱薩琳 出了國家公園大門後 會經過一條 Evelyn creek

就是那麼巧 所以每次我們經過都會稍微巡視一下  畢竟以自己名字命名的河流也不多 我們就笑稱它們為護家(園)(城)河囉 

所以依照慣例  當然要先巡視我的小河 再繼續前進啦 


 Evelyn Creek and our ride Silver Ghost.  Also, as you can see our "light" pack. lol

給大家看看我家小河 (招牌)   以及這一路我們仰賴的 "居 (車)" silver ghost 和簡易的露營裝備

沒看到我可愛又可怕的寵物 "小鱷"  下回有看到再介紹給大家  哈哈

一路繼續往南  在凱薩琳的超市停了一下  我先去上了洗手間 

為什麼要跟大家說  我去上洗手間呢

因為我回來時  大叔問我  有人跟妳收錢嗎

我心想 我有聽錯嗎?  "跟我收錢? 為什麼?" ???

他才說這邊 shopping mall 的洗手間會有 寶寶 在門口跟人收"清潔費"

但是為什麼我回來才跟我說  明知道我沒有帶錢包  就不怕我沒給錢回不來啊~~

臭傢伙!!  他說  我下車他才想到  他想想覺得這種小事我應該可以應付  就在車上安心的等我回來了 (狂翻白眼)

Anyway 我回來了 換他去超市採買食材  哦!! 忘了說  我們帶了另一個家人"Tank"-愛狗一枚

所以我們盡量不放牠一個人(狗)單獨在車上  而且  咱們野外廚房的主廚是大叔  所以我就乖乖坐在車上玩狗玩手機啦!!

結束採購行程  繼續上路…

一路時速130的飆  突然聽到"碰"的一聲  聽起來像空氣爆炸的聲音  大約在右後輪的位置  感覺不妙 趕快路邊停車察看

看起來沒有什麼異樣  我們開始想 後面有什麼東西是有可能因為太熱而炸開的?  像是零食之類的  但是左思右想  還是想不到

但總覺得這種聲音沒什麼好事  邊開邊狐疑著  就這樣到了營地


今天就在這紮營啦  這裡是二次世界大戰作為醫院的遺趾  但其實留下來的東西不多

僅僅一小區的磚瓦 和 事後立的告示牌 


搭好帳篷就是 Happy hour 啦!! 在這麼炎熱的地區  下午喝個啤酒是必要的 透沁涼 喜荒

每次的 roadtrip 我們都盡量設定在日落前抵達營地  除了安全考量  就是我們家攝影師要捕捉美好的日落啦  哈哈




上圖就是僅存的遺跡… 跟還原圖比起來  真的只剩一咪咪

最後  來跟大家分享好笑的事好了

請大家記得  現在還是雨季  氣候仍然非常潮濕  所以到了晚上了  還是非常悶熱的

這時候沒有冷氣怎麼辦呢???  大叔從冰箱裡拿了冰水  就這樣抱著  讓自己涼快

大叔原本想說也讓 Tank 涼快一下的  怎知 他整個逃走  離大叔遠遠地… 笑死我

Tank 是隻很特別的狗兒  非常討厭"水"  所以… 嘿嘿  裝在瓶子裡的水也不例外~~

今天就先告一段落啦  明天繼續…


 關於 Kakadu National Park 卡卡度國家公園 - 是澳洲最大的國家公園,以原住民文化以及特殊的自然景觀 (濕地、瀑布) 和 豐富的生態 (候鳥、鱷魚) 聞名,更多資訊請參考

 關於 寶寶 - 這是對澳洲原住民的稱呼,因為其實政府滿保護他們的,像是寶貝一樣,所以大家就叫他們寶寶吧!! 不要問我怎麼看得出來是原住民呢?? 因為看到你就會知道了~ I'm pretty sure.

 小提醒  - 如果有人要去 Katherine 那棟有 Wollies 的 shopping mall 上洗手間的話,請記得帶零錢啊~ 




The first day we didn't do much.

Just get things ready to go, nothing really exciting.

Spent a whole morning to pack car and even had a meal befere we departed. 

Lazy I know. lol

According to our tradition, we would stop by "Evelyn Creek" (my creek, of course) which is located in south of Kakadu National Park.

We always stop here to check it out and if it's necessary to let dog off for stretching or toilet. (No dogs in National Park rule)

Water was in a fair level, took a quick photo, and go again.

Before long, we arrived Ketherine and stopped at supermarket for toilet break and food shopping.

Scott waited for me in the car with Tank which is our boy / dog.

After I came back from toilet, Scott asked me, "Did you pay for the toilet?"

I was confused, "Pay for the toilet? Why? Who should I pay for?"

"Were there people standing out of toilet to ask for money?.",  he said.

"I was going to tell you, but I think you are smart enough to sort it out." he continued.

"Don't you think I might not be able to leave since I don't even have a penny with me?" I said.

What a unspoken rule it is, and I totally have no idea.

Sorry about those people I have ignored who were starring at me when I left toilet. 

Anyway, as Scott is our outside chef, he was in charge of food shopping.

Tank and I just waited there and relaxed. 

It's just about 100K from here to tonight's home.Not far at all.

Got back to the road again with 130 km/hr.

Suddenly, we heard a loud "poop". It sounds like just on the right reer wheel side.

We stopped to check the car and couldn't find anything unusual.

The "poop" just didn't sound right.

We was trying to figure out what it may be. 

Still no answer for now, and then we arrived tonight's compsite - WW2 hospital NO.45 campsite.

It is a historic site where was a hospital during the period of World War Two.

We had a quick look in the next morning. Just some tiles and bricks left.

After we set the tent up, was happy hour / beer time. Yay!!

Also, just in time for sunset photos. Lucky us.

One more thing to tell, then we can finish today. haha

You know it was wet season camping, so it was still hot and humid at night. Plus we don't have a fan.

Scott used a iced water bottle to cool himself down when sleeping.

He wanted to help Tank to do so, too.

As everyone knows, Tank doesn't like water and getting wet. 

He ran away immediately and never came back to Scott that night. lol

Poor fella.


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