
不少人說在外面很難睡  睡不好 隔天腰痠背痛

我正好相反  每次去露營都睡超~好  

聞著土地的香氣  用肌膚感受著絲毫的風吹草動都讓我有回家的感覺


待在冷氣房一整天  反而會有快生病的感覺  哈哈哈

這就是流在血液裡的天生吧  山上來的孩子 喜歡蟲鳴鳥叫  勝過一切

今天繼續往南  先拜訪了有點酷的復古酒吧 Daly waters   幫"居"補滿了油  也check了Stuart tree  準備向東邁進 


剛好遇上聖派翠克節 St. Patrick's Day. 


這個有點酷的PUB 徐了收集內衣、內褲還收集各式各樣的東西,像是各國紙幣、徽章、名片…等


I like this "Angle Parking", as it says any angle mate! lol 


這是附近的一些資訊 以及 相關史料

下圖:看似是一個可以讓你預定直升機行程的辦公室 (不過似乎是很久以前的事了…)

不過我確定右手邊方向並沒有麥當勞  哈哈哈 Just love it !!


從酒吧得知 Carpentaria Highway 今天有可能是開放通行的第一天  我們怎麼可以錯過這個機會呢  

不冒險 毋寧X 哈哈哈

踏上 Carpentaria Highway 令我不禁想問 到底是誰定義 Highway 的?

時速達110就是高速公路了嗎? 在這一段路上  時不時就只剩一線道

當有來車時  小車要讓大車  往路旁閃  甚至閃到沒有路的草堆裡  

同size車會車時  則是一人讓一半  形成一側輪胎在路上  另一側則在道路之外

你說說  這是什麼高速公路?!  有些路段因為太過狹窄還禁止超車


很幸運地 我們碰上了第一個要跨越的河  由於之前的路況  許多路段的路基都被雨水沖刷  產生坑洞  有些不僅大還深

過河  當然需要更小心  放眼望去 這是個方圓10幾公尺都浸泡在水面下的地區  好險雨退得差不多  目測僅約 0.1 m 深

隱隱約約還可以看得到路上的白線  流速也還可以  大叔切換至四輪輪動  我們就準備出發了

既興奮又刺激  我們的第一個 river crossing 成功!! 耶~  



過了第一個河  感覺信心滿滿  對未知又充滿了期待

好的開始就是成功一半咩!! 不論什麼挑戰 來一個 斬一個  哈哈哈哈哈

一路向西 稀稀疏疏的來車  偶爾出現  一個轉角  一個翻覆的船突然浮現眼前  在這離河離海遠遠遠的地方  interesting

和當事人聊了一下  原來是"高速公路"太過顛簸  他們拖著的船和車之間的連結 (是新的) 就這樣顛著顛著就鬆脫了

隨即船就翻了  好在他們同行有不少人  大家工具(給西)都不少  應該很快就可以解除危機了

關心完路上的同胞  確定不用我們幫忙後  我們繼續上路

到了 Cape Crawford 後原本打算繼續往 Borroloola 前進

但在 roadhouse 得知這段路仍封閉中 只好往南走  Tablelands Highway

又是一個高速公路   但這段路厲害囉  兩段道路都是私人土地  養著大批大批的牛

而且  這段路  "沒 有 柵 欄" !!!!  真的覺得慶幸 好在我們是在白天走這段路  要不然不知道會有多危險

雖然不知道為什麼  但是當牛兒們看到車來時  就會想要過馬路  所以必須非常小心  時速也不能太快

當"居"撞上勇健的牛兒會有什麼下場呢  不是我們會翻車  就是居會凹個大洞

輕則外觀受損  重則機械故障

夜晚之所以會加深這段路的困難度是因為  這種荒郊野外  太陽下山後就是伸手不見五指

頭燈能照亮的範圍有限  何況 還有許多黑色的牛兒  有時候就算照到了  沒有照到眼睛  看起來就是一團黑影  很難辨別


來說說 Mr. Tank  他呢  大部份在車上的時間都在睡覺  只有我們減速或停下來時  他會醒來

好了  說了為了禮讓可愛的牛兒過馬路  我們當然走走停停了好一會兒

他呢 當然就醒了 看著初次見面的新生物 - 滿滿滿的牛  眼神非常堅定和認真  我們在想  或許在他的心裡  牛兒們就是大隻一點的狗兒吧

一路看他非常認真盯著牛兒們  倒也挺有趣的  一整個一定要目送牛兒到視線之外才肯罷休的臉  萌萌達 

雖然走上了往南的路  但我們還是想盡辦法可以返回 Savannah Way 走靠近海岸的路

在錯過一兩個叉路後  我們決定向東走 Calvert Road 看有沒有機會接回 Savannah Way

而這段路上至少有4條比較大的河流  尤其在尾端會有一段路幾乎是與河流交錯重疊

誰也不知道  我們是不是可以這麼幸運  再次通過這個考驗

幾經思量  汽油、食物是否足夠我們如果需要回頭再另謀其他生路  我們決定闖闖看吧  

但  不知道從幾何時  就已經在一個毫無收訊的荒野了

踏上Calvert Road 後 更是了無人煙  連路都看起來不像是一條路  有些路段看起來就只是草叢裡的兩道胎痕而已

滿滿牛兒的程度則更加嚴重  多到放眼望去  就像螞蟻一樣多  而且更恣意放肆

或許是許久沒有車子經過了吧  牛兒們幾乎都趴在路中央  沒有要移動的意思  更放慢了我們的速度

天色漸暗  我們決定在這路段的大約 2/3 處  有個 roundabout 就在那紮營吧

努力維持著與牛兒和平相處  就剩下不到10公里就到營地了

這時  不知道哪裡冒出來的牛兒  突然殺出來  想要過馬路  就在 "此  時  此  刻" !!

what the ...  雖然在紅土路上我們時速至少也有70. 80

大叔下意識的閃了一下  居也隨之舞動一下  感謝上帝  閃過了牛兒  我們也不知道怎麼閃過的

晃動之大  我們的帳篷都歪了  (音效:歪腰腰~)  大叔停下車  檢視車況  順便把帳篷綁回原位

貼心的拿了一瓶啤酒  叫我放輕鬆  接下來的路就慢慢開  馬上就到了今晚營地

Tonight's home - Roundabout

自從踏上這條路後  沒有遇過一台來車  不意外地  今晚這營地又是我們包了

一樣在日落之前  搭好帳篷  Happy Hour!! Yay~~ 

邊喝著啤酒  邊到處走走拍拍  欣賞著華麗的日落  


今天夕陽真的超美  這是稍早畫面 哈哈哈  晚一點的顏色真的是非常強眼


而且從西到東都有不同的呈現  非常驚豔


今晚就讓我們停在這美麗吧… Have a good evening!!  咱們明天見…


 關於Roadhouse - 在澳洲的偏遠地區,在長長的路途了,中間都會有幾個小鎮,小鎮裡總有一間Roadhouse,有些包含了加油站、酒吧,有些則是提供食物、住宿、紀念品…等。當然也可以打聽一些當地的資訊與道路狀況。有些還富有特色,如果不是很趕的話,建議大家可以停留各地的roadhouse,上個廁所也可以唷!! 或許會發現一些物外之趣呢!!

 心情插曲:在牛兒要撞上我們  驚魂未定之時  我突然心裡有一個想法  如果今天真的撞上了  最壞的打算是翻了車  沒有收訊  也沒有來車  不知道要多久才會遇到可以解救我們的人,又或者  今晚下了一場大雨  我們就這樣困在了這 roundabout   一樣  沒有收訊  不知道會不會有人發現我們在這裡。(註:我們應該自備一支衛星電話  但我們沒有 anyway) 不考慮有人受傷的狀況,只想說  我們可能食物耗盡  水耗盡  甚至連尿都不剩一滴  就這樣困在這裡  那這個人會是值得信賴  可以一起撐到獲救的人嗎  還是會是個只顧自己的自私鬼  又或者  這個人會是我想要一起分享最後一段人生   慢慢老去  慢慢逝去的伴侶嗎  我…  心裡已經有了答案  你呢?  不得不說  環境會逼得我們思考一些現實與殘酷的事實  逼得我們面對  但此時  也是最真也最明白的自己


Today is St. Patrick's Day.

We went down to Daly Waters Pub which is a pretty cool bar.

They collect everything like bras, undies, currencies etc.

Got some petrol and quick checked Sturt Tree which was nothing but a historic tree. lol

As we were told Carpentaria Highway might be opened today,  we decided to take a risk.

Turned off at Three ways, and then we were on the highway.

I can't help asking who defines highway.

This road is narrow, single lane sometimes and with countless road damages, but the speed limit is 110 km/hr though. 

My point is why the speed limit doesn't depend on the road condition. 

Just because it's "hightway", so you can drive that fast and dangerous in the meantime. 

Maybe Australian drivers and cars are tougher. Who knows.

Finally, we encountered our first river crossing.

The river was wide about 10+ meter but not deep and fast at all.

The only thing we couldn't know was how serious the road damage was as it was under the water.

We still decide to have a go. 

When we were passing the river, we could see some big holes on the bottom and avoided them as much as we could.

Anyway, the first river crossing was quit easy that made us more confident about this road and the rest of this trip. 

Since not much traffic on this way, we were surprised to see a boat sitting on the side. 

Just on the corner, we saw few vehicles with boats and one of them was overturned.

We figured out the boat we saw before must be theirs.

As I said, the road condition was not good. 

If you drive too fast at the corner with some bumps, you would know what would happen with your hook of the trailer.

Bended, unhooked or like this car was overturned.

Luckily, it was a bunch of people there with their professional repairing tools. 

They reckoned they would be alright, so we kept going.

This time we tried to do as much Savannah Way as we could.

Were going to Borroloola via Cape Crawford, before knowing it was closed.

Plan changed. Turned off at Cape Crawford and drove Tablelands Highway.

Tablelands Highway is a no fence section with full of cattle.

Always drive this road before dark. That is our voice. haha

It was an interesting experience for Tank though.

Scott reckoned Tank hadn't seen cows like this before.

That might be why he acted funny when he saw them crossing the road and starred at them with a serious face.

Could be big and smelled funny dogs in his mind.


After passing couple side roads and we still think about getting back to Savannah Way.

Plus we had enough petrol, if we have to head back. 

We decided to turn off at the next dirt road on our left hand side, and see if we could get back to the way we wanted.

Here it was - Calvert Road.

Felt very excited about our new adventure.

Again, I still have no idea who defines "road".

Even it's called a road, it looked just like a track in the bush.

There are more cattle here and they are crazier, too. lol

Some cattle just like lying in the middle of the road and didn't move at all even we were approaching.

Some just like crossing the road when we were approaching.

How much fun could we have!!

All we could do is take it easy and find a campsite ASAP.

However,  we nearly bumped into one in the late of the day.

It was time to stop.

Found a campsite about at two-third of this road. 

Let's just call it - roundabout - tonight's home.

Nothing around here. Just a side track leading to a flat plain where we could set the tent up.

We hadn't met any cars on this road yet.

There was no exception here.  We had the whole campsite by our own again.

Before sunset, we made it!!

Tonight's sunset was amazing. From east to west, the whole sky was just awesome.

We walked around, had few drinks and took photos.

What a wonderful evening!!


 After realizing we were out of the range and in the most remote region at this time of a year, I had some thoughts in mind. You know we could get stuck here just because of a storm or once car breakdown (hit animals or other mechanical reasons), Maybe we should have a satellite phone with us, Anyway, we didn't bring one. Plus we hadn't seen any vehicles on the road. Do we have enough water and food to survive? Is this guy reliable? Or if this is the end of my life, is he the right one I want to spend my time with? I know you might think I think too much, but the circumstances always make us to face the facts and reality. It's cruel, but it's real though. I think I already have my answer. What about yours?


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